README.TXT in the AC.ZIP file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC.ZIP contains : - AC.COM accélérateur de curseur en français, - CA.COM the same in English, - AC.DBG source debug en français, - CA.DBG source code in English, - README.TXT this file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC.COM is a Freeware cursor accelerator written with debug. It does the same thing as 'set mode rate=32 delay=1', but 'avec élégance' and less bytes (I presume, it's more efficient just to insert 'AC.COM' in your AUTOEXEC.BAT than the entire sentence 'set mode...'). 2 sources are included and commented : - one 'en français' (ac.dbg) which create '', - and one in English (ca.dbg), which create ''. AC.COM works on PC-AT and compatibles with all DOS versions. AC.COM is not resident. Just few values are set in the right registers. You can, for instance, put AC.COM in a directory known by the PATH, and include it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. N.B. When leaving Windows, you have to run AC.COM again because Windows manages by itself the cursor's speed. If you use a batch file to run Windows, you can add AC.COM as in this sample : @echo off rem sample of WIN31.BAT cls -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Others tools (Freeware) from the same author : - PPROMPT.ZIP Personalized Prompt (batch file), - CHERCHE.ZIP Files finder (in Turbo Pascal 5.5). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments or questions are always welcome, Have fun ! Marc Goldstein - 100260,2253